Fig. 6. The effects of FFA in the absence and presence of ω-CgTx or Ni2+ on VGCC currents under hyperosmotic conditions. (a) Representative record of currents before and after application of FFA under hyperosmotic conditions. Inset panels given below the current trace represent expanded current responses to step pulses from -60 to +70 mV applied at i and ii. (b, c) Representative records of currents before and after application of FFA in the absence and presence of 0.5 mM ω-CgTx (b) or 3 mM Ni2+ (c) under hyperosmotic conditions. Inset panels given below the current traces represent expanded traces of current responses to step pulses from -60 to +70 mV applied at i, ii and iii. (d) Percent currents observed at −10 mV (left panel) and +20 mV (right panel) in the presence of FFA, ω-CgTx, ω-CgTx plus FFA, Ni2+, and Ni2+ plus FFA compared to the control currents (Control) in the absence of these blockers (n=8-16). *p<0.05 vs. Control. #p<0.05 vs. +ω-CgTx or +Ni2+.